Tuesday 7 May 2013

Days 12 - 15: Wintermoon Festival!

Odo: 14626, trip km: 3644

The Wintermoon festival was absolutely fantastic. The weather was almost perfect, the atmosphere was great, and the acts were pretty much all excellent.

The festival went over 4 days and we pretty much just rocked up to whatever we wanted whenever it suited. Most acts performed several times during the weekend so we started by watching lots of different acts and seeing which ones we wanted to see again.

There were a few standout acts in my opinion:
The Woohoo Review were a very fast paced sextet who really knew how to keep the audience engaged. They all played their instruments with such speed and precision that you wondered how they could keep up the pace for the duration. Their costumes were very colourful and they all looked very enthusiastic. The violinist is known for hopping on someone's shoulders and continuing to play whilst being marched around through the audience. It is quite a sight to behold.
Another act that was an amazing sight to see was the contortionist Lucia Carbines. During her act, she folds herself over backwards so far that it's hard to believe your eyes are seeing what they are seeing. Imagine bending over, legs straight, and putting your palms on the ground. Now do it backwards...
Liz Frencham was another excellent act. She's a double-bass player with quite a sense of humour. A couple of her songs had me in stitches - one in particular, called 'King of DIY', was an absolute hoot!

There were plenty of other things at the festival to keep you amused. There were plenty of stalls offering everything from gems to musical instruments to tie dyed clothes. If you wanted a swim, you could head out the back to St Helens Creek for a swim (see photo of group who erected a gazebo!). There were all sorts of food options on the menu; all of the ones I tried were really nice.

Being a folk festival, it was not surprising to see people turn up in Kombis. I was amused to see a tent shaped like a Kombi. I didn't even notice it first time - Tim had to point it out and I went back to see it wasn't in fact a real car...

All in all the festival was a great event and I hope I can return in years to come.

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