Thursday 16 May 2013

Day 25: Hot stuff

Odo: 17353, Day's KM: 11.5, Trip KM: 6371

Maryborough to, erm, Super Cheap and BP Maryborough. Return.

The plan for the day was to get up early, do an oil change on our bikes, then head down to the Sunshine Coast via some convoluted and hopefully interesting route.  The day did not go to plan.

I managed to get some oil and fuel for my bike in the morning and get the oil change done without any hassles. I had breakfast while the oil was draining and refilled shortly after.  Exciting stuff I know.

I had not seen Tim at this stage. He had gone to bed last night looking a bit under the weather. This morning, he surfaced for long enough to get taken to the doctor where he was promptly prescribed some powerful drugs and lots of rest.  Apparently some illness has hit him and hit him hard :(

He got back home, went to bed and didn't surface again until the evening.  When he did surface, he was sporting a 39 degree temperature. Hot stuff indeed. 

It was rather wet outside and so a lot of the day was spent indoors. I didn't go anywhere because of a combination of waiting for Tim and also the rainy weather. Good move as the place I would have gone for a day trip was Hervey Bay, and the area between Hervey Bay and Maryborough was the area copping all the bad weather.

I did spend a lot of the day listening to audio - I had been told about The Goons and found some of their radio show on Spotify and listened to that. I also found a whole lot of Bill Cosby albums, some of which were the same albums I listened to ad nauseum as a youngster and still remembered almost word for word. I did find myself actually understanding a lot of subtle jokes that went completely over my head when I was younger, which I found quite interesting.

As for my trip, we'll review options in the morning when we have a better idea about what Tim is able to do. Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery!

Only a couple of pictures today. A number of friendly butcher birds came to say hello and get out of the rain.

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