Tuesday 28 May 2013

Day 37: Great Ocean Road Part 2

Odo: 22044, Day's KM: 518.8, Trip KM: 11062

Port Fairy to Bendigo via Great Ocean Road

I hit another milestone today: I doubled the mileage of the bike on this trip. Pretty good effort in my books.

I worked out the key to a good sleep is to have no real care what I'm doing the next day. I decided I wanted to be up early today to get to my destination in daylight and found myself up earlier waiting for my alarm to go off.

I managed to escape camp by 8, and spent the next two hours or so stopping at all the lookouts on the western end of the road that I had seen on the way through. The photos I took really don't do the views any justice. They really are amazing and I'd recommend anyone have a look in person.

Bay of islands

London Bridge

There are two people in this photo with full orange / reflective hi vis who went walking into the caves. I have no idea what they were doing down there. Hopefully not a search and rescue - it wouldn't be nice in there.

Twelve apostles.

After stopping off at about ten different viewing areas, I stopped pulling over and just observed from the bike.  I continued on through to Torquay, only stopping for fuel and rest stops. I had about the perfect run of the road today, hardly getting stuck behind anyone and when I did, they were usually travelling close to my speed and were letting people past at the first opportunity. I tried to wave to all as I passed to show my gratitude for their courtesy.

I got to Bendigo a bit after 5 and had a bit of a look around for a while before parking at my friend Kunal's house and walking in to town. I grabbed a drink at the pub and wrote my blog entry while waiting for Kunal to finish work before meeting him for a Thai meal in town and to catch up.

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