Thursday 9 May 2013

Day 18: Tour of the Drowned Rats

Odo: 15451, Day's KM: 31.1, Trip KM: 4469

After yesterday's unrelenting rain, we were hoping for a break in the downpour today.  Ha ha.  No such luck.

It was raining quite heavily outside and so we decided that being all touristy wasn't high on the agenda this morning.  Instead we decided to go out in search of breakfast.

Tim's caffeine-addiction-satisfying app "BeanHunter" pointed us in the direction of an establishment named "Caffiend".  It turned out to be a remarkably good breakfast choice.  Tim had a big breakfast of some description (and a coffee), and I went for the special of the day - a fruit salad with nuts and yoghurt.  I couldn't even identify about half the fruit in the salad, but it was very tasty!  Their gourmet hot chocolate (a 20c premium over their 'regular' hot chocolate) was well worth the extra.

As we were walking through the city, we saw a sign that (sadly) summed up the weather here of late:

Oh well.  It turns out that water features tend to be running in full force when there's lots of rain around, so we decided to go check out some waterfalls at Crystal Cascades - only around 15km from the CBD.  We weren't going to investigate the Atherton Tablelands as originally planned given how bad the weather was.

As we arrived it started to pour down again.  Appropriate really.  We went for a short walk in good spirits, but fairly quickly got sick of the rain and went home again.  But not before Tim went, er, playing in the waterhole.

Enthusiasm to do anything else touristy in the afternoon was at a pretty low level, so we went back to the hostel, dried off again, and sat and relaxed.  I borrowed Tim's laptop and have managed to get back up to date with my blog posts.

We had a pretty relaxed evening - walked along the esplanade and found an Indian restaurant for dinner which was very nice. We're thinking Townsville via the Tablelands tomorrow weather permitting.  Fingers crossed!

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