Tuesday 14 May 2013

Day 20: Catchups and parties

Odo: 15996, Day's KM: 98.8, Trip KM: 5014

Around Townsville

Today was a nice relaxing day spent around Townsville.  Tim and I were both able to sleep in a bit as the main activities for the day were in the afternoon.

My first appointment of the day was to catch up with my cousin Darren.  He's been working in Townsville the last few years and seeing as I was there visiting, it was the perfect opportunity to catch up again.

Our destination was Longboard on The Strand for lunch, meeting at midday.  I left Rangewood at 11:15, thinking that would allow me plenty of time to get to The Strand.  At around 11:35, I thought I had oodles of time left and went to get fuel.  Bad move.  As I got to the front of the queue to pay for my fuel, the computers froze up.  15 minutes later, having called Darren to say I was going to be late (whilst still standing in the queue), I was finally able to pay for my fuel.

Delay over, I made it to The Strand only around 10 minutes late, and found Darren and headed for lunch.  We had a good chin wag over burgers and drinks before heading our separate ways.

I still had a small amount of time to use up before Amy's party, so I looked around the city for the biggest hill I could find (Mt Stuart as it happens), found it on the sat nav, and rode to the summit.  The road up, aside from its 40km/h speed limit and occasional rock wallaby, would make for an absolutely awesome hillclimb track.  There are a couple of downhill mountain bike tracks that run near the road that looked intense.  I think I'd need a bit more practice before tackling them on my bike.

There were a couple of really good lookout points up on the mountain that gave a fantastic overview of the city.  The photo below shows a good view into the surrounding landscape (and is taken looking almost directly down).  Too bad if you were afraid of heights as there wasn't far between the track and almost sheer cliff.

It's not too much of a surprise that the tallest hill in the area is also home to a vast array of communications equipment.

After descending the 'mountain' (I have no idea what strictly defines a mountain, but apparently 584m is sufficient), I headed to the Riverway Amphitheatre for Amy's party.

The theme of the party was hats and/or wigs.  It seems only appropriate at this point to paste a photo of the winner of this competition, complete with prize-winning headwear.

The headwear in the photo was purchased for the princely sum of $2.00 from the Salvos.  In a former life, it formed a part of a "Winnie the Pooh Cuddle & Snuggle Gym" (thanks Google).  The weather held out for the party and everyone enjoyed themselves and had a few laughs :)

Party over, we headed back 'home' to Tim's relatives house for dinner and a couple of games before we all retreated to our sleeping quarters for another night.

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