Wednesday 15 May 2013

Day 22: The second horseshoe in as many days

Odo: 16403, Day's KM: 369.6, Trip KM: 5421

Townsville to Calen

Our stay in Townsville was fun and now unfortunately over.  As with a number of things on this trip, it would have been nice to have more time, but we must press on.

In the morning, Tim's bike was adorned with his prize-winning headgear.

He chose to remove said attire prior to actually departing on the bike.  Which if we're honest, was probably a pretty sensible move.  At least there's photographic evidence that it happened.

Shortly after the heffalump (or is it a woozle?) was removed from the bike, it was almost time to leave.  The paparazzi arranged for another photo shoot and then we were on our way.

After reviewing maps and deciding that there wasn't much in the way of interesting roads between here and Mackay, we decided to return once again to that boring old mile-eating highway riding.  We got fuel in Townsville and then headed straight through to Bowen for a rather late lunch.

Prior to departing Bowen, we decided to check out Horseshoe Bay (not to be confused with the Horseshoe bay I visited yesterday on Magnetic Island).  As someone who's spoiled for choice with Tassie beaches, the beach at Horseshoe Bay was rather anticlimactic.  We used the opportunity to have a rest before heading through to Calen to visit my relatives for one more time this trip.

Just before we arrived at Grandma's house, we took a shortcut into the back of Calen.  I passed a couple walking their dog (off a leash), and slowed down a bit because I didn't know if the dog would run out at the bike.  They called it close and it stayed put.  Shortly afterwards, I looked in the rear view mirror and Tim wasn't there.  I knew Tim had followed me onto the road, so he must have stopped.  I waited a minute or so and he didn't show up.

As it turned out, I need not have worried.  Tim had stopped on the side of the road to capture some photos of the sunset over the hills behind Calen.  When I arrived back, he tried to snap a couple with me in the foreground (including the one below).  The sunset was gone by this stage and so the picture wasn't quite as good as it could have been, but good nevertheless.

At Grandma's, we were spoiled with fresh fish and vegies for dinner, and a chance to relax.  Later in the evening, a couple of my cousins came over to say hello for a short while, before it was time for us all to get some rest.

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