Saturday 18 May 2013

Day 27: A Glorious Day

Odo: 17976, Day's KM: 195.7, Trip KM: 6994

Day trip to Mount Glorious, Somerset Dam, and Mount Nebo.

The day started pretty early with Dylan and his kids up for an early breakfast. Elliott was a bit cranky and didn't seem to be able to make his mind up what he wanted for breakfast. Crying ensued. Dylan did an amazing job of remaining calm throughout the whole thing, and managed to get Elliott to calm himself down quite quickly.

I eventually dragged myself up and had breakfast before joining Dylan and Melissa's brother Brad with keeping the little ones entertained.

Elliott and Dylan asleep(ish) in front of the telly, Reuben fascinated by a book and my phone.

Elliott on the bike just before I left. He found the starter button but was too scared to start it. He didn't want me to either.

I left mid morning for a run to Mount Glorious and Mount Nebo. Both of these roads were very very twisty. A lot was 60km/h limit but you were pushing hard to get there so it was no issue. There were bikes everywhere!

I visited Somerset Dam after the first run at Mount Glorious. Apparently it is an engineering heritage national landmark. I wonder if visiting it counts as professional development?

I then rode back to Mount Glorious for lunch at a motorcycle cafe.

Due to the light, it was hard to get a photo showing more detail on the right and to give an idea of just how many bikes visit this cafe. I had a very tasty lunch and a chat with a couple of local motorcyclists, before continuing on to Mount Nebo.

There were plenty of good views from Mount Nebo as well, however capturing them with an iPhone doesn't really show all the detail. This was another time I would have liked my DSLR. Never mind.

The run off Mount Nebo deposited me on to Waterworks road, 30 seconds from Angus' house. I went in to say hello, and ended up having a chat to his landlord for a bit as well. It was getting on in the afternoon so Angus suggested I stay there and we do a short day trip tomorrow. The evening concluded with a pub meal and then a lazy evening of Gran Turismo on PS3.

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