Monday 27 May 2013

Day 36: Off with the fairies

Odo: 21525, Day's KM: 441.3, Trip KM: 10543

Warrnambool to Port Fairy via Mount Gambier

I had planned to get an early start this morning to have plenty of time to explore. Nice theory. In practice, I only just made it out of the camp ground by 10. I think I was repaying the late night at Leon's place. Nevertheless I did leave well rested today which is always good.

Both the bike and my stomach were desperately low on fuel and so the first item on the agenda was to resolve this issue. I'm sure getting efficient at the routine at service stations, often visiting at least two a day (today was 3). I headed to the highway for a fairly straight run to Mount Gambier, only stopping a couple of times for gear and photos, such as looking out into the bay at Portland.

I stopped at a cafe for lunch in Mount Gambier and had an absolutely delicious lamb pizza for lunch. I stopped to look at a crane truck before leaving the area (there is a lot of forestry operation in the area including heaps of plantation forest).

On the return towards Port Fairy, I took as many back roads as I could find. There were a few twisty sections, but mostly just straight roads. At least the scenery was different and there was practically no traffic at all (and any traffic I did come across was very considerate).

I set up camp at Port Fairy and went through the evening ritual of setting up camp and 'preparing' a camp dinner. I went for a walk down to the shore and found a park bench right near the shoreline, and sat and wrote this entry while listening to the waves crashing along the beach. The formation of waves is most interesting, but I need a better camera than my phone to capture it.

Interesting point of reflection: tonight will probably be the last time I set up my tent on this trip because I will probably be staying with a friend tomorrow night and I'm on the ferry home on Wednesday.

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