Friday 17 May 2013

Day 26: Home on the range

Odo: 17780, Day's KM: 426.8, Trip KM: 6798

Maryborough to Hervey Bay return circuit; Maryborough to Brisbane via Gympie, Kenilworth, Maleny, Woodford, Mount Mee and Dayboro.

Today marked a return to riding solo, as Tim is still couped up at home in an attempt at recovering from this sudden onset of illness. To start with, before Tim was up, I rode in to Hervey Bay for a look. The day was far far nicer than yesterday - blue skies as opposed to all day showers. I went for a walk along the beach to take in the sun and enjoy the scenery.

Along the way, I saw some interesting holes. Not sure what created them but they looked cool.

I returned to Maryborough to check on Tim and put all of my gear back on the bike. It was clear he wouldn't be going riding so I made plans for heading to Brisbane via some mountain passes courtesy of Tim the travel consultant :) and set off.

It was really good to get into some good twisty scenic roads and off the monotony of the highway. Some of the views were absolutely stunning! Unfortunately not all of them were so easy to stop and photograph.  I had lunch in Gympie and a rest at Lake Baroon near Maleny, but otherwise travelled pretty solidly all afternoon.

Lake Baroon:

View towards valley just past Maleny:

I ended up in an outer suburb of Brisbane just after 5:30. Fortunately all the traffic was going the other way so no delays. I arrived at my cousin Dylan and Melissa's place and caught up for dinner and managed to find some floor space for a rest too.

Tomorrow I'm thinking of a day trip to somewhere like Mount Glorious and Mount Nebo and from there who knows. Hopefully Tim will be we'll enough to head towards Brisbane by then but that's still an unknown at this stage. Get better soon Tim!

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