Tuesday 7 May 2013

Day 12: Family visits

Odo: 14626 today's km: 0 trip km: 3644

Today is the start of the Wintermoon festival, but that's later this evening. Only a short post today.

I slept in luxury overnight - nothing like a proper house to stay in just up the road from the festival :) Tim and I had our own agendas for the day. Tim went exploring the Eungella national park, braving 70+ km of dirt roads on soft full road tyres. Apparently though it was a good trip.

I went with dad to visit Granddad. We collected Grandma on the way through which gave me the chance to see both of them again. The visit was a relatively short one. I was pleasantly surprised when granddad remembered who I was, seeing as I see him so rarely.

After lunch, we returned home to get ready for the festival.

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