Saturday 25 May 2013

Day 34: More family

Odo: 20672, Day's KM: 406.6, Trip KM: 9690

Orbost to Somerville, mostly along the A1

Today there are no photos for a few reasons: I was covering highway miles, I was covering some old ground, and I didn't see anything especially photo-worthy.

I got up around 8 and prepared to pack up camp. It had been a dewy night and so despite towelling off the tent it was still a bit damp. The usual, then. It got pretty cool overnight - probably down to 6ish. It was only 8.5 when I left site.

One of the older ladies at the camp ground decided I was must have been freezing overnight (she was in a caravan with an electric blanket) and came over to offer me a hot drink before they packed up their van. I didn't end up taking her up on the offer but it was appreciated nonetheless.

I stopped in Lakes Entrance again for breakfast and then headed towards Melbourne. I figured I had a long day of riding to make Torquay by 5pm, so after taking a few tourist drives along the highway, I reverted back to mile munching.

When I got to Sale, I gave my cousin Leon a call and arranged to catch up with him and his family in the afternoon. Django had changed a lot since I last saw him - he's now four and a half years old! He was full of beans when I arrived and didn't run out of energy until way past his bed time.

We all got chatting and playing with Django's toys, including a few Lego sets. I'm told the Lego was bought for Django but at times I'm not so sure... Lego seems to be bought by adult Justs under the guise of buying for their kids... Just ask Dylan and Melissa.

It was going to be a very short visit if i had to try to find a tent site elsewhere, especially in my original destination, Torquay.  With this in mind, Leon had offered me a mattress at his place.  I took him up on this offer and so stayed for dinner and a longer chat.

After a nice spag bol prepared by Dora, and with Django not asleep but at least in his room, Leon, Dora, and I sat down and played cards until late, then we too hit the hay.

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