Saturday 11 May 2013

Day 19: Dad jokes and a very punny evening

Odo: 15897, Day's KM: 446.8, Trip KM: 4915

Cairns to Rangewood (near Townsville) Via Kuranda and Atherton

No photos for today.  The plan was to travel to Tim's relatives in Rangewood in preparation for tomorrow's party.  Rather than travelling back by the same route as before, we thought we'd mix things up a bit by going via Kuranda and Atherton so that I could see some of the Atherton tablelands.  This was a nice theory, however the weather was not on our side and so the view wasn't as nice as it could have been.

We managed to get out of the accommodation on our defined schedule of 8AM to head for Kuranda for breakfast.  We went up an incredibly twisty section of road on the way to Kuranda from Cairns, which was very much like being in the middle of a rainforest.  Unfortunately it was quite wet and we were stuck in roadworks.  In the dry with a clear run at the road it would have been an awesome ride as well as picturesque.

In order to make reasonable time, we then went straight through to Tully for lunch, only stopping for a few minutes in Innisfail for fuel.  I got the impression that we were the only patrons for an hour or so that had come in to the particular cafe that weren't personally known to the proprietor.

After a good rest in Tully, and after I climbed up a big gumboot with a frog on it, we continued on for Townsville.  Our only other non-roadworks stop was for a very generous afternoon tea from Tim's grandparents.  Fred had some medical news for us which he repeated a number of times with great enthusiasm, much to the amusement of some and embarrassment of others.  Tim and I were in the amused camp.

We got through to Tim's relatives place around 5:30ish and then settled in for a chin wag and dinner.  One thing I learned pretty quickly is that it seems the whole extended family like their 'dad jokes' almost as much as they like their puns.  I had been asked about the work I had been doing recently, and someone came up with a pun about it.  Well.  10 minutes (literally) later, and just about everyone had chimed in with several puns, and somehow managed to keep them all on topic.  It's just as well, because if they hadn't, I'd have had absolutely no idea what the original question had been.

We were banished to the shipping container in the back yard to be used as our quarters during our stay here.  Well I say banished, but in fairness it is fully fitted out and actually quite a nice place to stay.  Certainly it is liable to be much dryer than anything else if we keep getting rain.

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