Monday 20 May 2013

Day 29: Coasting along

Odo: 18670, Day's KM: 340.3, Trip KM: 7688

Byron Bay to Coffs Harbour via Lennox Head, Ballina, Yamba, Maclean, Grafton

To answer yesterday's question about my gear, it seems to have passed the test so far. It supposedly got down to 7 and once I was in the sleeping bag with only a small hole in the top for air, I warmed up quite quickly. This is a good sign :)

I departed the campsite and into the town for breakfast. Much to my amusement, a hippy-looking character (sporting a full beard and dreadlocks) wearing an army camoflage style onesie. No idea why that's blog-worthy, but I decided it is so there. Another debatably unblogworthy note was that the cafe sold "L.S.D." listed under hot drinks. No idea what it is.

I decided to spend the majority of the day travelling south via the coast, detouring via tourist drives as signposted. First stop out of the park wasn't too far away - Lennox Head.  

Lennox Head seemed to be a popular spot with the surfies. Looking at the waves there, I'm not surprised. There were a lot of really good lookouts out over the cliffs.

The view here was taken lying flat on my stomach - it's a sheer cliff quite a way up!

This is the view looking more horizontal from the same spot.

There wasn't much more noteworthy travelling until I got to Yamba. Again there was a point with some pretty cool views.

After lunch I headed towards Grafton via the route that Tim and I had planned while heading north - via Maclean and Lawrence. Roadworks had prevented this trip last time, and if it was Tuesday not Monday would have prevented it again.

Bike on the Lawrence ferry.

From there again, nothing is particularly noteworthy until I got to Coffs Harbour. I arrived around 4ish, got camp set up, then went for a walk along the beach while there was still light.

Presumably due to the island, the waves were very confused here.

After around 40 minutes, I ventured off the beach to the road in search of some food.

At this point I note Tim is finally well enough to be on the bike again and has left Maryborough on the express road (i.e. the highway) home. He won't be camping and our paths are unlikely to cross on the road, unless we time our arrival in to Armidale well tomorrow.

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