Wednesday 22 May 2013

Day 31: Reunited

Odo: 19374, Day's KM: 171.4, Trip KM: 8392

Newcastle to Sydney

Today was a rather quiet day - no real rush to get anywhere. I knew that Tim was going to be heading past Newcastle but I had a 1.5hr head start.

I got my gear packed and out of the site by around 9ish, and headed to the CBD to buy a few supplies and have a late breakfast.

It wasn't until 11 that I heard from Tim. We agreed I would head out to the highway and then find somewhere to stop and wait, assuming Tim was around 15 minutes behind me. I eventually found an emergency phone with somewhere safe to pull over. Barely a minute later, Tim spotted me. Roadworks had almost ruined our timing theory, but this time it worked out quite well.

Reunited for the final part of Tim's trip, we headed back to his place in Sydney. Tim still looked a bit tired but far better than when I last saw him.

The afternoon was spent doing very little. Archer kept us amused as Tim unpacked and prepared to fly out for work the next day. 

In the evening, Toby came into town and had dinner out with me, Tim and Lauren. Shortly after dinner, Tim and Lauren went home, and Toby and I stayed on for another drink at the pub before going our separate ways.

I didn't take any photos during the day, so you'll just have to make do of a gratuitous cat photo of Cous Cous taken in the afternoon. That should keep the internets happy :)

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