Tuesday 30 April 2013

Day 9: Assessing the Gravity of the Situation

Odo: 13683 day km: 294 trip km: 2701

Brisbane to Maryborough

I woke up this morning to a workshop.  Not your everyday camp site then:

The bike was still in pieces, but somewhat cleaner than before.  I had dropped off the shock absorber yesterday and was eagerly awaiting its return so I could reassemble my bike.

I had loan of a car today in order to collect the shock, and while I was playing the waiting game I thought I'd get a few extra bits and pieces for the trip - camp food etc. to have with me on the bike.  With that done, I drove into the suspension place to see how they were going.  When I turned up, the shock was ready - good timing.  I don't know how long it had been done for, but given I'd asked to be called as soon as it was ready, hopefully it had only just been finished.  All had gone well with the rebuild and it was ready to be installed in the bike.

I arrived back at the bike and got into reassembly mode at 12:50PM.  Everything went according to plan - I even found the nyloc nut I lost yesterday - gripped in one of the heatsink fins of the driving light.  The bike was fully assembled and loaded, and I departed at 3PM to head towards Maryborough.

The trip to Maryborough was mostly good, although there was a fair bit of congestion getting past Brisbane on the highway.  Which reminds me, I have tolls to pay.  Better go do that now...

I stopped for a bite to eat in Caboolture, then for fuel "somewhere", and made it to Maryborough by 7:30.  Long day.  The bike behaved very well, and it looks like it was all put together correctly.  There were no leaks of oil from the shock on the whole trip - excellent news :)

I had heard rumours of a Rekorderlig waiting for me, and part way through maneuvering towards what was either going to be Tim's driveway or a U-Turn, I decided to put the bike up on its *ahem* right-hand-side stand. In the middle of the road.  The right-hand-side stand consists of a crash bar and a pannier.  With the combined effort of my own and all of Tim's strength, we managed to get the bike back off its 'stand' and put it somewhere more appropriate.

All in all I'm glad that Tim was there, and also glad there wasn't a larger audience :P  (oh wait...)

The crash bar did its job well, protecting the cylinder heads and only receiving a tiny graze.

With that out of my system, I parked the bike up properly, and went in to meet Tim's family, who put on a very nice dinner for us, and enjoyed that Rekorderlig (which I well and truly needed).  I then got to see lots of pictures of the flooding around their house in January (which I'm sure will mean more to me tomorrow when I see what there yard looks like in daylight!)

Time to get some rest.  The plan is Rockhampton tomorrow to make an easy trip to Calen on Thursday, where I'll get to catch up with family and then we'll settle in for the Wintermoon Festival for a few days.

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