Monday 22 April 2013

Day 1: Here comes the rain again

12:30PM.  After my second trip to town for some last-minute shopping (out of earplugs), I find myself sitting down to a pie for lunch at home.  The trip is about to actually start - very exciting!  I'm pretty much all packed, the bike is out with all the lockable luggage attached, and now it's pretty much time to wait until it's time to leave.  Well that and wonder aimlessly around the house, wondering how far I'll get before cursing under my breath at some important thing I forgot to do / forgot to pack.

The clouds have been rolling in all morning.  It started off as a clear morning, but the skyline has been getting darker and darker all day.  As I arrived home from town, a few specks of a short drizzle fell upon my windscreen.  I might wait until I put the rest of my luggage on the bike, but otherwise, will I let that put a dampener on proceedings?  Nope.

Hard luggage attached.  Just waiting for tank bag, duffle bag, GPS and rider

Not long until I head off to the Spirit!

3:15PM: And on the bike we go. The trip is officially under way!

4:45PM: The semi-drowned rat finds himself sitting in Herb's Pizza Cafe.
I'd find it a bad sign that I'm the only patron, except I have eaten here before (Lauren and Tim's farewell) so I'm not so worried. A quick, early dinner, then off to queue up for the boat. The bike has just been fuelled up and is ready for a quick getaway tomorrow.

6:00PM: About sick of standing in the rain waiting to be loaded on the boat. Oh well at least my gear is keeping me dry.

8:00PM: We're off!

Odo: 11076, Klm's: 94.4

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guy

    Not sure which way your heading but if you get a chance stop in at Coffs Harbour and visit Outback Jacks. GREAT food and lots of it
