Monday 29 April 2013

Day 8: A Shock to the System

Odo: 13389 day km: 60.1 trip km: 2407

When I set off on Monday, having cleaned up a couple of oil drips off the front mud guard, I didn't expect it was going to result in where I am now: sitting in the garage of a very generous man, cleaning various components of my bike. Where I had envisioned myself right now was at Tim's parents' house, getting ready for a rest day before traveling to Mackay.

As we speak, my bike is in more pieces than I care to count. On the plus side, this makes cleaning it easier than normal as I can get at everything fairly easily. On the other hand, it can't be ridden at the moment, which isn't ideal in the middle of a bike trip.

Late this afternoon, I took the front shock absorber off the bike, and got a lift into Suspension Improvements to drop it off. All going to plan, I will give a man some money, and in return, I will receive my shock absorber in somewhat better condition to when I dropped it off today. I will then be able to return to Les' house, turn my pile of parts into a fully functioning motorcycle, and continue on my way to Maryborough and beyond. All going to plan, this time tomorrow I will have made up for all lost time and be right back on schedule to arrive in Calen on Thursday ready for the Wintermoon festival.

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