Wednesday 24 April 2013

Day 3: A day of miserable roadworks; a night of awesome views

Odo: 12197 Klm's: 461

Today was a fairly focused riding day - I wanted to get into Sydney as soon as I could so I missed all of the evening rush hour, and all those people taking a long weekend. I ended up leaving Merimbula at 9 and arriving in Sydney at 5. There was no specific touristy sight-seeing on the trip.

To make the most direct route, I followed Highway 1 pretty much all the way. There were a few excellent sections of road, with 100km/h limits and sweeping corners in interesting terrain, but the overriding memory was of roadworks.

Near Nowra, I spent nearly half an hour doing walking pace through roadworks. This wears thin pretty quickly - like even inner city traffic at 4:50PM seemed very good in comparison. There were heaps of roadworks areas that were massively longer than they needed to be, and all typically 40km/h. And if Sir would like do 41km/h, he is frequently reminded that roadwork limits are enforced, that there are cameras everywhere (I lost count), and that the next 4 days are double demerit points. And to make it even worse, they have sections of 80km/h highway 3 lanes wide that feel so slow. It's almost like they're trying to encourage you to creep over the speed limit and help fill their coffers. OK rant done :)

Once near the city, the Sat Nav (loan courtesy of my uncle) proved useful yet again in making navigating to my final destination in Sydney quite easy. Working out how to pay the tolls I accrued was a little more difficult.

The absolute highlight of the day: I got to Tim and Lauren's place! We went to a local restaurant for tea and then for a walk along the waterfront to see, among other things, the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Very touristy of us :)

A magnum of cider awaited us on our return home. What a good way to conclude the day.

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