Thursday 25 April 2013

Day 4: Tourist alert!

Odo and km: whatever it says on yesterday's post.

Today was a 'rest' day in Sydney. This meant time for a nice sleep in, followed by a fairly relaxing trip to the city. After breakfast we walked over the harbour bridge and in to the city. Being Anzac Day, there was a parade through the streets that went on for some time. We watched for a while, and then headed to 'Bon Bon' to give me a taster of their chocolatey goodness. I'm told it was below the usual standard, but based on my experience these must be some high standards.

Around lunch time, Toby arrived at Bon Bon. We all then headed towards the Opera House, which allowed me to take a couple of gratuitous touristy photos, and then on to Bar 100 for a quiet drink.

The evening consisted of nachos and a drink while watching Kickass. It was all in all a nice relaxing way to spend the day, and great to catch up with more friends that I don't get to see very often any more. I look forward to catching up again on the way home.

Tomorrow is when we start again in earnest. Tim is now travelling with me for the next 3ish weeks. It will be awesome to be travelling with a like-minded mate who actually knows what he's doing on a long trip. :)

Time to rest up before we make our escape from Sydney.

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